The blog is currently on Hiatus. I'm in the process of revamping the whole thing. I do want to apologize for not completing Illustrate A Day. I hope accomplish that next year.
First off I want to apologize for Thursday illustration. I know I know I didn't post. I was just too tired and lazy. But here check out the cover for a very extremely short comic Im working on about some feelings and thoughts that was on my mind today. Yes it's called dance. I'm gonna hopefully gonna post it here for download and sell them at local comic shops. I'll keep y'all updated. Enjoy.
A short comic about having my bamboo. I love you bamboo.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
A sketch of a character I made up for a short story. Why does he feel and look like a robin??? Cause he's suppose too. His name is Canary a spin off of robin. Hope to complete that short story eventually. Enjoy.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
This was suppose to be yesterday's post but I got inspired to do the MLKJR piece. So here is today's image. I present SPACEBOY. I'm sure this name has been taken. But I chose the name cause of it's cliche. I It's an idea I have for a comic that I most likely won't be doing anytime soon. If I did make this comic no one would call the character SPACEBOY. Anyway, just look at it and make up wonderful adventures in your head. Enjoy.
Didn't really have time to work on something today so I'm posting a set of thumbnails I did a while back for a comic I drew for my ex. Am I having second thoughts about her. AHHHHH, NO. It's just that when I stumbled upon them and was looking over it and it's amazing to see how I work on it small first and that the actually comic came out to be almost exactly as to what I thumb. Pretty cool.
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Was doing some cleaning and re-organizing. Came across this picture I drew. These were some ideas I had for some web comics. If I ever get the time i plan to execute them.
So here is my first illustration for the week. This piece was inspired by some personal feelings and situations going on in my life at the moment and also by a song by Asher Roth known as Sour Patch Kids. Enjoy.
If I had to do a pick of the week for comics this one would definitely be it. James Stokoe has done it again. He created a very interesting, creative, unusual world and it's freaking amazing. The art is beautiful and from reading his previous work I know the story is going to be mind blowing. This is only the first issue but you should definitely jump on board from now.
If you don't know I am a big Scott Pilgrim fan and I've been waiting for this movie to come out for about 2 years now. Yesterday I went to Bryan Lee O'Malley (creator of Scott Pilgrim) and found this awesome movie snapshot. Man this look freaking awesome. Be on the lookout for this film and make sure you get yourself copies of the books and read em. Their freaking amazing.
Here is a layout page from my upcoming short story. I was working on this project all day and gonna be working on it through the weekend. Enjoy.
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
First off I want to apologize for missing my drawing/sketch for yesterday. Had to head to Pennsylvania on a short notice and when I reached back home it was to late/
This sketch is a sketch I did of myself today in a meet with my club. I placed my whole sketch book in the scanner and it picked up the drawings on the page behind the sketch of me. Thought it looked awesome so I kept it.